Life Cycle of a Plant

Published on January 16, 2022 by

In this video, students are going to study the life cycle of a plant. Plants start as seeds. When a seed starts to grow we call that germination. Seeds need soil, water, air, food, and sunshine (warmth) to grow. When a plant is mature, it produces flowers. Flowers are fertilized, sometimes by animals like bees or sometimes by the wind. After a flower is fertilized, most plants make seeds in the form of fruit. The seed inside the fruit can be planted and grow into a new plant, and the cycle starts over again.

The illustrations will help students to make association between the pieces of information, and function as a memory aid.

This video satisfies the 3-LS1-1 requirement for third-grade science proficiency.

Students who demonstrate understanding can:

3-LS1-1. Develop models to describe that organisms have unique and diverse life cycles but all have in common birth, growth, reproduction, and death.

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